As per Instructions issued vide HQ Southern Comd letter No 8305001/A1 (PP) dt 26 May 1973, all Army Officers posted in Stn are to become members of the RSAOI during their tenure at Bangalore since the facilities and amenities are created for Stn Officers.
Married accommodation will be allotted to the Officers by Stn HQ only on getting confirmation from RSAOI regarding the status of the membership. Likewise, Members will obtain clearance from RSAOI while moving out on posting / retirement. Out stn membership will be given to those officers whose families remain in stn.
The following category of officers are eligible for Associate Membership
CGO Membership be given to Class I civilian officers who are serving in Bangalore under the aegis of HQ K & K Sub Area. CGO will submit a certificate to the effect that he will relinquish his Membership on being posted out of Unit / Organisation within the jurisdiction of HQ K&K Sub Area or on retirement.
Honorary membership may be given to a highly reputed civilian gentleman and to any senior retired official for a period up to one year at a time, which can be extended by another one year. Extension beyond two years will not be permitted. Such gentlemen will be issued with a Honorary Membership Card and will be allowed to avail RSAOI facilities subject to the restriction laid down under these rules.
Honorary members are exempted from the deposit and subscription. However, if they ever visit RSAOI, they should be permitted to use the facilities after paying only usage charges as in the case of temporary members.
Grant of Membership to Short Service Commissioned Officers. Associate Membership will be granted to SSC Offrs on completion of minimum 10 years commissioned unblemished service as an officer. SSC Officers who are BC / Gallantry Award Winners / any other Officers whether PC / SS with less than 10 years of service boarded out medically being a Battle Casualty / Widow of a gallantry award winner will be permitted to apply for membership. SSC Offrs of 5 years service and retired upto 31 Dec 2007 are also eligible for Associate Membership.
Membership to TA Officers
Individual membership shall be granted only to the offrs who are posted to establishments which do not have an offrs mess and offrs who are on study leave and att to units / establishment at Bangalore.
Army Officers who are serving with the out station units / establishments / formations, will be eligible for Out Station Membership on submitting a valid proof of residence in Bangalore besides other required documents. Outstation Members have to render their serving certificate every year in the month of Dec. Their Membership will be suspended if they do not submit the serving certificate before 15th Jan every year. Out station membership is not valid after retirement / release from service. Affected Army Officers desirous of continuing membership should apply for Associate Membership, as applicable to retired / released officers of Army.
Membership to MNS Ladies.
No membership will be granted to MNS Ladies.
Grant of RSAOI Membership to Offrs of Coast Guard.
Officers of Coast Guard will not be given RSAOI membership.
Temporary Membership may be granted by the Secretary to the following in the circumstances as defined, for a maximum period of two months :-
Temporary Membership to Affiliated / Reciprocal Clubs / Institutes.
RSAOI Bangalore is affiliated to all Army Officers Institutes in Southern Command Army Institutes who have entered into MoU with RSAOI as per intimation received from HQ Karnataka & Kerala Sub Area. DSOI Chandigarh and Army Officers Institute, Fort St William, Kolkata are on reciprocal basis. Officers who are members of the affiliated / reciprocal Institutes will not be charged membership subscription of RSAOI Bangalore, but will be accorded Temporary Membership status.
However, the following terms and conditions will be followed :-
The officers applying for membership are required to submit the following documents:-
After verification of documents of applicants, all applications in respect of Army Officers (both Serving & Retired) will be approved by the Chairman and applications for membership of all others will be put up to Patron for consideration. All memberships granted will be ratified in the Executive Committee.
On approval of membership, the applicants will collect their membership cards from the Secretary RSAOI.
All facilities of the RSAOI to which a member is entitled will also be available to member’s spouse and dependent children as defined below :-
Members / Dependents visiting RSAOI are obliged to carry their RSAOI membership card, which is subject to check at any time, by the staff of RSAOI / Executive Committee Members.
Membership Not a Right
The subscription required to be charged from the members will be reviewed by the Executive Committee on yearly basis. All members are required to pay membership deposits and monthly subscription as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time. All members are required to pay subscription annually in advance. Monthly subscription for Permanent Members will be charged at full rates for period exceeding 10 days even if no facility is availed. For the period up to 10 days, no subscription will be charged where facility has not been availed and full subscription charged if facility was availed even once within 10 days. All Officers posted in Centers / Units in Bangalore will take RSAOI membership compulsorily & Officer’s Mess to forward subscription collected annually in advance and respective Officers’ Mess be informed to update the list of serving officers posted in / out regularly. No separate subscription will be charged for Sports and Library facilities.
The existing rates of subscriptions / charges are given below :-
Note : Parent Mess / Unit will be responsible to collect all dues of monthly subscription and bills and will ensure that the members obtain clearance of RSAOI as and when posted out/released/retired from service.
Payment of Annual Subscription. Annual Subscription will be paid on or before 31 January every year in advance. Bill for Annual Subscription will be raised in Nov bill, last date of payment will be 31 Jan. Members should pay the Annual Subscription by due date, particularly members who happen to be out of station should clear the Annual Subscription before leaving the station. No reasons, whatsoever, will be accepted for non-payment of Annual Subscription. Members must renew their Annual Subscription at their own as per the above details. A penalty of Rs 500/- and Rs 1,000/- or as stipulated by Management Committee from time to time will be levied from members for late payment of subscription up to 28 Feb and 31 Mar respectively.” The rate of subscription amount is subject to be revised by the Mgt after getting it approved in the ECM meeting.
Bringing of guests to RSAOI is a privilege extended to members. Members may bring guests of officer’s status on payment of guest charges, as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time and as stated hereinafter. Members should not misuse their privilege of bringing civilian guest with an ulterior motive of business ventures/meetings.
The following guidelines will be strictly adhered to :-
Only Serving, Associate and Reciprocal Members are permitted to bring guests to the RSAOI.
Temporary members will not be permitted to entertain guests. However in exceptional cases they may be permitted to bring guests with the approval of the Secretary. However, the officers’ dependent family members may be entertained.
Dependent Children of members are not permitted to entertain guests in the RSAOI. However, a member’s spouse may bring guests as per restriction under RSAOI Rules.
Members are requested to register their guests at the reception counter before entry into the RSAOI. Failure to do so would attract six times the charges as penalty.
Members are also forbidden to introduce as a guest any person with a poor reputation. The guest should be of the status and dignity as that of a member of an Officers Mess.
The members will not exceed their wine limit even if they are entertaining their bonafide guests.
The concerned member will ensure that guests observe the dress / discipline / regulations of RSAOI in letter and spirit.
Right to admission in RSAOI is reserved. The Executive Committee may deny admission to any guest without assigning any reason thereof.
Children below 08 years are not charged any guest charges except on major functions for which charges will be as decided by the Executive Committee.
Bringing of Foreigners as Guests in RSAOI.
Approval of bringing Foreign Guests to RSAOI is required to be processed through Command Channels by GS Br, HQ K&K Sub Area to HQ Southern Command / HQ of MoD (Army) which required 40-50 days. In view of that, Members are requested to submit the application to GS Br, HQ K&K Sub Area to hosting of Foreign Nationals 45 days prior to the event for which sanction is required, failing which the application will be rejected.
All members must enter the particulars in the Guest Book provided at the reception. This must be done at the time of entering, prior to availing any facility of the Institute. Failure to do so would attract six times the charges as penalty. Guest charges payable by the members are Rs 50/- per guest (non dependent children & parents on showing proof of relationship) all days and for other guests Rs 100/- per guest on Mon to Thu and Rs 200/- per guest on Saturday and Sunday. Guest may play Tombola after paying above said guest charges. These rates are subject to revision.
A member is required to give prior notice in writing to the Secretary indicating the date of resignation. He must clear all dues of the Institute before resignation and surrender the membership cards.
In all cases of unbecoming conduct, violation of rules, nonpayment of dues and allied lapses on the part of any member, the Chairman / Executive Committee, without assigning any reason, shall have absolute power to suspend/terminate his / her RSAOI Membership. Serving of Show Cause Notice is not mandatory since the Defence Services Regulation governs the membership. Should a member decide to take up his grievance to any Court of Law, he will be doing so at his own risk.
The Membership of the Institute shall stand terminated on account of any of the following reasons:-
The decision of the Chairman on the recommendation of the Executive Committee in all such cases shall be final.
Entry of Officers in RSAOI whose Membership is Terminated / Not Approved. Officers whose membership has been terminated due to reasons other than own request and officers whose membership is not approved by the Executive Committee, and the dependents of both these category of officers are not permitted to be brought as guests. Dependents, whose dependent membership has been terminated on disciplinary grounds, are also not permitted to be brought as guests.