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GOC, HQ Karnataka & Kerala Sub Area, Bangalore.

Patron :- GOC, HQ Karnataka & Kerala Sub Area, Bangalore.

Chairman :- Deputy GOC, HQ Karnataka & Kerala Sub Area, Bangalore

Vice Chairman :- A serving officer of the rank of Col from HQ Karnataka & Kerala Sub Area to be nominated by the Chairman.

Secretary  :- A serving / Re-employed / Retired Army Officer to be appointed by a BOO chaired by the Chairman.

The affairs of the Institute shall be managed by the Executive Committee, formed within the Serving and Associated Members. It shall consist of the following

  • Patron
  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Members

    Members will be from the Army Units / Ests loc in Bangalore, as under

    (i) Col GS, HQ K & K Sub Area
    (ii) Col GS (Trg), HQ K & K Sub Area
    (iii) Col A, HQ K & K Sub Area
    (iv) Col Q, HQ K & K Sub Area
    (v) Col A, (DV), HQ K & K Sub Area

    (vi) Adm Comdt, Stn Cell
    (vii) Col Veterans, Stn Cell
    (viii) Dir ECHS, Stn Cell
    (ix) Dy Comdt, MEG & Centre
    (x) Dy Comdt, PRTC

    (xi) Dy Comdt CMP & Centre
    (xii) Comdt, PCTC
    (xiii) Col Adm, ASC Centre & College
    (xiv) Comdt, ADMC
    (xv) Adm Offr,Selection Centre South
    (xvi) Comdt, 56 Coy ASC (Sup)

    (xvii) GM (Adm), 515 Army Base Wksp
    (xviii) CO Inf Bn
    (xix) CO PARA (SF)
    (xx) CO Army Avn Sqn
    (xxi)Presiding Officer’s of RSAOI Sub
    (xxii) GE (South) Bangalore

  • Three Associate Members

    To be nominated by the Patron. (The tenure is limited to one year, subject to extension if necessary).

    The Executive Committee will function at the discretion of the Patron who may dissolve the same for reconstitution or replace any of its members at any time. The Co-opted members are to advise the Patron on RSAOI activities from the point of view of retired officers.

    A member of Executive Committee shall cease to be Member of the committee in the under mentioned circumstances :-

    • (a) If his membership of the institute has been terminated.
    • (b) On his retirement, release or removal from Service.
    • (c) On the acceptance of his resignation or if he had been asked by competent authority to resign his commission.

    The executive committee will be responsible to the Chief Patron for the efficient administration of the RSAOI. In the absence of the Patron the Chairman and in his absence the Vice Chairman will preside.

The Patron / Executive Committee shall nominate an officer who takes an active part in the concerned social / sport activity and also makes himself available as and when need arises to organize, conduct and administer the facility entrusted to him.